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Episode 420

The tables have been turned.

A 420 Edition of Horse / Weed / Mind's Eye, 20,000 times sweeter than sugar, Leg Up - Blast Your Shit, the legality of the world's tallest waterside, blindfolded skydiving, USA Today Snapshots, Ask Jonathan, Amy's gotta go, Jonathan and The Hot Doctor, infant sleep machines, Mekhi Phifer on Hollywood Game Night, National Burger Month, states with the highest smoking rates, our crops are crap, EDM and Jam collides, Kandi Ravers, Mustache Mondays, Gay Arrested, 7 Million artificial knees, pre-crastinate doesn't exist, old enough to kill but not to drink, Best Selling Beers of 2013, predictions for the future, UYD' Junk Food of the Week, The Playboy Advisor, trapped in the world of Skinamax, high school yearbook photos with your baby, and getting drunk for 421.

UYD: Weak heart, big dick.




Seance // Mort Garson


Creation of Sunlight // David Sunshine