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Episode 428

Big tippers. Easy riders.

Jeff Tweedy's rider, Quality Cabs, the wind in your hair and the bear on your face, USA Today Snapshots, the legality of tipping, Garth Brooks in the 'Bu, bans on snowboarding, Bystander Awareness Month, a heated race of misinformation, an inbox of potential mates, bringing the laughter and love for free, teen driving news, Seth's International Mailbox Money, Scorpion W2, Ask Jonathan, this episode dedicated to Jimmy Mac from the Bronx, if it's on the plate it's in your stomach, new state fair foods, religion and alcohol and violence, unleash the "best" within, Million Dollar Listings: LA, no clear way on how to brush your teeth, The Colgate Street Team, You're Only Young Once, hacking jet planes, it's hard to say "no" to that sweet dough, Seth watches War Games, new-tech popcorn, 5 Stars for this show, and Seth's shredded jeans.





I Would Hurt a Fly // Built to Spill // Perfect From Now On