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Episode 440

Give. Get. Forgive. Forget.

An un-ending audiofile, a season for forgiving and forgetting, Crossroads is now on Netflix, you will shit yourself while watching Avatar 2, wrapping up a season of Celebrity Name Game, USA Today Snapshots, The Teen Whisperer, Jesus was raw, National Egg Nog Month, robbing Jitterz Java, "Vigilante Justice" by Jonathan Larroquette, The Playboy Advisor, Cola de Mono, illegal angling, affairs and suicides in ages ending in 9's, how many times can a man ask himself "Is this it?", we're the frogs, the most popular toys by state, programming prisoners, Steve Jobs and Walt Disney's last words, a 3 tiered tipping system, getting sick at Bossa Nova on Sunset, sex therapy, preparing for the Hysingla epidemic, screaming for your scripts, Obama keeps his mouth shut, and our arms are wide open for 2015.

UYD: The window's now the door.




She's On My Mind // Aaron Neville


The Blame // Gonjasufi // MU.ZZ.LE