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Episode 480

Bagel doggin' all day.

Stateside UYD, National Hand Washing Awareness Week, first time diners, The Largest Costco on the Planet, The Whiskey Barrel Bar, Voice Portals, The Jitterbug Smartphone, Seth gets his Star Wars tickets, The Rain Room, UYD at SF Sketchfest, Seth's celebrity friends, Hadean Zircons are a waste of time, motorcycle caskets, saying goodbye to Straus Clothing, Seth: The Gossiping Hairdresser, Tinder for Seniors, Super Likes, Seth's Jitterbug email, school trips ruined by terrorism, Rent Watch with Anky Van Deursen, Psychic Love Grifts, counting sheep with your car, Xiaflex for celtic hands and curved penises, Chipotle-coli, keep your cilantro out my guac, USA Today Snapshots, analyzing relationships tones, screaming at your significant other, and new UYD Holiday Merch is on the way.



