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Episode 524

Hustling Celebs To Pay The Rent

Seth's blood type, Jonathan's birthday party, The Golden Age of Tech Phase II for OT's, Seth Korrea, The Best Warrior, The Top 10 Real-Ass American Cities, The North Carolina Apple Festival, The Sweet Corn Festival, The Alternative Therapies Convention, hustling celebs to pay the rent, UYD's Fast Casuals, cured from Olympic Fever, the tweets of Cap'n Crunch, USA Today Snapshots, Ask Jonathan, National Be Kind To Humankind Week, saying goodbye to Moore's Furniture Store, guns and porn on Amazon, UYD LIVE in Milwaukee, the portfolio of Pabst Beers, what is Monkey Bread?, finding the center of the US, UYD's designated young person, The Carlsbad Safety Training Center, guarding a Saudi princess, and The Laverne & Shirley Podcast.





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