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Episode 569

The existential risk is too high not to do K.

The Top Doggers Podcast, daylight savings for the Navajo, bouncing through time, the anniversary of the LA Riots, stealing a snake, micro implants and cranial computers, Chief Chancellor of the Archives of Time and Information, reppin' Sports Illustrated merch, taking it a step further at Burning Man, preparing for Jonathan's 40th birthday, the fastest/easiest way to meet new women, social isolation media, yoga booty models, repurposed ketamine, don't take K in the day, reading a Seth Thomas clock, the number one honey producers, upcoming UYD LIVE shows, the fall of Pronto, National "Testicular Cancer Awareness" Week, who's Drew Barrymore's 4th husband going to be?, USA Today Snapshots, and check out the new UYD video footage.

UYD: The existential risk is too high not to.




S.A.N.D.A.S. // SahBabii
